
Welcome to my prayer journal.

Why make a prayer journal public? Why not? What if my prayers encourage and inspire. I often think about the people that I come in contact with at work, especially an acquaintance that becomes a friend, because of a 15-20 minute haircut. Like a bartender, I hear confessions. I hear the fear in another’s voice who contemplates a test result, I congratulate an impending engagement or marriage, and the birth of a first child. I take a moment to listen and to share tears of grief with those who now must learn to  live without their spouse. Yes, there are a lot of reasons to pray and a lot of people who need prayer, myself included, and no better time to start than right now!

Dear God:

I am thankful. I am thankful for going to sleep in one year and waking up in another! Your mercy amazes. Your grace is always on time, even when it is not my time, and even when it is not appreciated or acknowledged.

Forgive me.

Help me.

Show me.

Lead me through another year . . .


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